Thursday 1 October 2015

EJM, tamaties en termiesemassa - EJM, tomatoes and thermal mass.

Ludwig het 'n sagteware werk gekry by EJM (, wat ons volhoubaarheid in Orania sal waarborg. Ons moet by sĂȘ, slegs in afhanklikheid van God.


Ludwig has received a software job at EJM (, which will guarantee his sustainability in Orania. I have to say, only in dependence on God.

Wat wel gebeur by die aardskip is dat dit vir ons van groente voorsien dwarsdeur die jaar, winter en somer. Hier sien julle twee fotos van ons tamatie-oes die week.

Verder werk die termiesemassa wel deeglik. Die ander dag was hier 'n paartjie en toe ek hulle in die kamer in vat, vra hulle hoe kry ek die kamer so koel, het ons 'n lugversorger.


In mean time provides the earthship us with throughout the year, winter and summer. Here you see two pictures of our tomatoes harvest this week.

Furthermore the thermal mass most definitely works. The other day a couple came to the earthship and when I show them the room they asked where is the air-conditioner.

vriendelike groete
Ludwig en Retha Everson

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