Monday 29 July 2013

Lees wat ons besoekers sê oor die - - Read the visitors entries

Guestbook entries - Gasteboek inskrywing

Ampie en Marietjie - Vertoon baie interessant. Was op 'n baie koue hier gewees en dit was heerlik warm.
(Appears very interesting. Been here on a very cold and it was delightful warm.)

Dolf - Mpumalanga - Baie indrukwekend. Wonderlike idees wat almal moet gebruik in hul huise. (Very impressive. Wonderful ideas that everyone can use in their homes.)

* Johan, Sonja, Ma & kinders - Baie beïndruk met julle vordering. Retha se "vrouetouch" - Baie mooi. (Very impressed with your progress. Retha's lady's touch. Very beautiful.)
* Gabriël - Wow ek hou hiervan (Wow I like this)
* Jacobus - Wat anders kan ek sê as Wow. Die plek is asemrowend, mooi, prakties en leefbaar. (What else can I say except Wow. The place is breathtaking, beautiful, practical and livable.)
* José - Snoesig en warm en beslis nie arm. Prakties en vol styl, self vir Alfa se huil. Wow. 'n Tuiste waarheen ek sal optrek. (Cozy and warm and definitely not poor. Practical and full of style, even for Alfa the dog's howling. Wow. A home that I will move to.)

* An - Sal graag hier wil bly! Julle is 'n inspirasie! (Would like to stay here! You are an inspiration!)
* Pieter - Noord Kaap - Dit is 'n briljante idee en dit werk. (This is a brilliant idea and it works.)

* Ursula - Gauteng - Mooi om te sien dat mense goeie idees uitvoer.
Great to see people putting to practice the great ideas and applying them in their living. Your house will be a show piece for many people and may they go home and also start changing the way they do some of their things.Thanks.

* Danie en Berrie - Indrukwekkend!! Goeie idee, voorspoed. (Impressive!! Good idea, good luck.)

* Omar - Ek dink dit is die weg van die toekoms - die beskereming van die planeet raak krities. - Ek sal ondersteun waar ek kan. (I think it's the way of the future - the protection of the planet is becoming critical. I will support you where I can.)

* Carel, Alta en Carel Jnr. - Die konsep is regtig inspirerend vir die hele mensdom op aarde, en ek dink dit is ons toekoms. (The concept is really inspiring for the whole of mankind, and I think this is our future.)

* Vanessa - Ek hou regtig van die konsep, hier is baie harde werk gedoen, sterkte met die res. Ek sal graag weer wil kom kyk as alles eers klaar is. (I really love this concept, here went a lot of hard work in. Good luck with the rest. I would like to come and see once everything is finished.)
* Hans van Gauteng - Regtig interesante konsep. Dankie vir die inligting. (Really interesting concept.Thanks for the information.)

* Tarine, Christiaan, Hannes en Helena - Vrystaat - Baie interessante konsep, was baie insiggewend. Stertkte met die projek. (Very interesting concept, was very informative.Good luck with project.)
* Benjamin - Nederland - Mooi concept. Da door en maak je huis af! (Nice concept. Go ahead and finish your house!)
* Rian - Gauteng - Ongelooflik! 'n Droom wat waar word -> 'n Visie kry vorm. Baie geluk julle!  (Unbelievable! A dream come true -> A vision taking shape. Well done to you!)

* Naoki, Japan - Quite Imressive!
* Naoko, Japan - Fantastic! Thank you.
* Melisa - Kenia - Very interesting visit. Thanks.

* Renus - Werklik indrukwekkend, maar veral waardering vir julle waagmoed en deursettingsvermoë om die konsep van die aardskip in Orania en ons gemeenskap bekend te kom stel. (Really impressive, but especially
appreciation for your courage and perseverance for introducing the concept of the earthship in Orania and our community.)


We will add more entries to the blog in due course.

Sal binne kort nog inskrywings plaas.


Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Sunday 28 July 2013

Kuns in die - - have art from Cornelia Holm

NOTE: The pictures left and right are enlarged inserts.

The aardskip has become an ArtShip. An artist from Orania created these two lovely art works for our earthship. These stained glass windows are for the eastern and western entrances to the earthship.

This week we also complete the electricity in the two bedrooms and for the grey-water pump. So for the time being we are done with electrical work. We also worked on the tiles in the kitchen and it is almost done. Soon we will show you the masterpiece.


In die foto sien u twee kunswerke van Cornelia Holm. Die loodglas kunswerke is vir die ooste en weste deure bedoel. Die weste deur se glas is reeds geplaas.

Verder het ons die week gewerk aan die kombuis teëls en ook 'n bottel venster aan die weste ingang. Die kunswerke sal eersdaags aan u bekend gestel word. Die elektrisiteit is ook vir eers voltooi tot in die slaapkamers. Dus is ons nie meer afhanklik van gevaarlike verlengingskoorde

Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Saturday 20 July 2013

Honor befell the - - is geplaas op die kaart - Goto the weblog for more info.

Die plasing van die Sonskip op die Natural Homes kaart is 'n ongelooflike eer, want hulle plaas geen aardskepe / "earthships" nie. Siende dat ons Sonskip van "earthbags" gemaak is en nie buitebande het hulle laat besluit om dit wel te klassifiseer as 'n eko-vriendelike-huis.


A great honour befell us, our earthship the "Sonskip" (Sunship) is listed on the Natural Homes map. Currently no Eartships are mapped on this map, but because our earthship is build with natural building material we are listed. See

See also

Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Saturday 13 July 2013

Elektra vorder in - - have now electricity from the bathroom to the lounge.

The earthship have now wall plugs and lights in the kitchen, dining room and lounge (living). Plus there is lights in the bathroom, kitchen, dining room and lounge.

We use 1, 2 and 6 watts LED lights. The total wattage of all the lights is only 19 watts. How ever previously we used 3x 25 halogen table lamps temporally and the wattage was close on 100 watts.

If you want to save power get LEDs. They cost more, but will last long enough that you can place them in your will and use a tenth of the power of normal globes.

Further more in the photo you will see another donation by a friend from Holland. The round white ventilation grid that can open and close on the left. Thanks Eric and Magdalene.


In die foto kan u sien dat ons vorder met ons "elektra". Die badkamer, kombuis, eetkamer en sitkamer is nou geëlektrifiseer.

Verder baie dankie aan Eric en Magdaleen wat vir ons van Nederland pragtige ronde ventilasie bedekkings gebring het.

Ludwig, Retha, Joanelle & Arno Everson

Saturday 6 July 2013

Thank you very much for all the donation kry meer donasies en dit maak dit moontlik om die deure oop te hou vir jule almal.

Beste mense ons wil weereens dankie sê vir alle donasies/skenkings. Bo en behalwe die ongelooflike geldelike ondersteuning wat ons kry, het ons uit die bloute nog 'n Avokadoboom (Anje) en ook klomp trossie-uie (Ursula) gekry.

Die foto wys die verskeidenheid plante wat ons in 1 vkm het.
1. Trossie-uie
2. Kappertjies
3. Piesangboom
4. Grondbone
5. Blomkool


Once again thanks to all the donations that we receive from all over the world even USA.

Out of the blue we even received a bunch of bunching onions, thanks Ursula, see photo.

With your support is it possible for us possible to keep our doors open to you and other who are keen to learn more about off-grid living.

Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Thursday 4 July 2013

Meer studente kom loer in by die - Students from Pukke - Goto the weblog for more info.

Op die foto sien julle 'n groep meesters en doktors graad studente wat kom in loer wat ons doen in Orania.

Hulle is van die Noordwes universiteit se Potchefstroom kampus en elke jaar gaan hulle op 'n industriele toer. Hulle besoek dan verskillende industrieë om blootstelling te kry. Die jaar is hulle 10 studente wat Mosselbaai toe gaan en oppad daarheen het hulle in Orania gestop.


The photo shows students from the university NWU in Potchefstroom. They are chemical masters and Ph.D. students on a industrial tour through South Africa.

Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson