Wednesday 23 May 2012

The roof and commitment

We once again lost a team member amazing how people just do not have any commitment or the guts to tell us what bother them. Unfortunately if more money is the issue we can not do much about that, but at least please have the decency to give us a week or two notice.
Anyway we have done it we put up the major part of the roof, the back roof is up. Well done Frank and Danie! See photos of the installation of the last plate..
The next step is to start with the building of the grey water-cell and foundation of the front glass wall.
Dit is ongelooflik meeste van my werkers het net weg geloop sonder om kennis te gee. Self my werker wat die langste (3 maande) gebly het, het geloop sonder om kennis te gee.
In elke geval die dak is op, die agter kant. Baie geluk Frank en Danie, anhouers wen!! Sien fotos.
Volgende stap is die bou van die gryswater-sel en die fondament van die voorste glasmuur.
Groete van die span
Ludwig, Retha, Frank en Danie
23 Mei 2012

Saturday 12 May 2012

Het stoortje

1) Die manne wat die stoor gebou het.
The team that build this store. This store stabelized the western wall.
Danie, Frank & Alan
2) The store agains the western wall.
Die stoor aan die weste kant.
3) Venster in die stoor. Hier is slegs bottels, klei en strooi gebruik.
The store window. We only used bottles, klay and straw.
The last couple of weeks we prepared to place the back roof. Everytime we plan to place the roof something else happens.
Die week wat kom SAL ons die agter dak plaas.
Groete van die span
Ludwig, Retha, Alan, Frank en Danie
12 Mei 2012

Friday 4 May 2012


Currently we have the following serious challenges.

1. The one earthbag wall on the western side is not stable enough and we decided to build the store room first before we continue placing the roof.
See photo of store room in progress.

2. Due to heavy rain in April almost 200 mm. We discover earth movements on the water tanks and we analysed it and have solution to prevent it in the future.

3. Unfortunately we have a more serious water leak on the eastern side of the earthship. This was not suppose to happen, because we were fairly causes with our water protection layer. Unfortunately something went wrong and we will have to do repairs. Additions that we will add, is to keep the rain from penetrating the hill behind the earthship. Plus we will add extra water drainage systems underneath the earthship's floor.

Earthship greetings / Aardskip groete
Ludwig, Retha, Alan, Frank en Danie