Monday 10 January 2011

Transdisciplinary Summer School on Sustainability

I will be attending the Transdisciplinary Summer School on Sustainability. (

The purpose will be first of all to learn from the experiance on eco-village in Stellenbosch and secondly to investigate the possibility further my studies in this direction.

Further more this will assist us in completing our Aardskip project in Orania.

Ludwig Everson

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Nuwe jaar nuwe idees - New year plan - 2011

We have thought it good to change our planning slightly.
Instead of first building our large earthship we decide to start with a one
bedroom earthship for renting. See picture.

As soon as the plans are cleared we will need a couple of volunteers.


Aangesien ons planne nou al so lank talm het ons besluit om grond buite
Orania te koop en daar ons eerste konsep Aardskip op te sit. Dit sal 'n een
slaapamer wooneenheid wees. Sien skets.

Die voordeel is dat ons 'n oefen lopie kry vir ons eie Aardskip.

Sodra die planne goed gekeur is sal ons vrywiligers begin kontak.

Ludwig en Retha