Monday 19 October 2009

Help Aardskip Hawe

De strijd om de ASN Bank Wereldprijs loopt bijna ten einde: de stembussen sluiten aanstaande vrijdag 23 oktober om 16:00 uur. Kort daarna maken we bekend welke 5 initiatieven doorgaan naar de finale! Je hebt nog een week de tijd om je vrienden, kennissen, collega’s en familie te laten stemmen op je initiatief. Dus wil je nog aanspraak maken op de hoofdprijs van 20.000 euro, kom dan nu in actie!

Kliek op prent van "Aardskip Hawe" om te stem.

Friday 16 October 2009

Aardskip Hawe - Earthship Harbour

The Earthship Harbor project is really taking shape.

Picture by Hermine Everson.

Progress is as follows:
1. Marketing
Continues. We have a facebook cause with a growing number of members.
Click here to join cause.
2. Registration of non-profit organization
In progress.
3. Acquirement of property
In progress.
4. Architect design
Started September 2009.
5. Final approval by local government
We have an in-principle approval.
6. Acquirement and source of materials
We have contacts for auto tires, more is welcome.
7. Arrangements with the volunteers and local workers.
We have a growing number of volunteers, more is welcome. Click here to volunteer.
Laying of first tire will be March/April 2010.

Possible layout of Training Center with living quarters.